November 30, 2017 | Blogs and News
It’s Day 3 of our #CMF15Days of Giving and today is about using your voice for good. Today we ask you to share our mission of healing through music with 5 friends and ask them to support the 15 Days of Giving! Below you’ll find sample social media posts and a sample email to make it easier for you to get your friends and family involved.
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Sample Facebook/LinkedIn Post
I’m supporting Children’s Music Fund during #GivingTuesday & its #CMF15Days of Giving as they set out to raise $150,000 in support of music therapy programs for kids in need. With your generosity, you can give the gift of music and make a difference this holiday season! Get involved at www.theCMF.org/giving
[TAG Children’s Music Fund @theCMForg]
Sample Twitter Post (or Retweet tweets from @theCMForg)
I’m supporting @theCMForg during #GivingTuesday for its #CMF15Days of Giving as they set out to raise $150K in support of music therapy programs for kids in need. #MusicHeals, get involved at www.theCMF.org/giving
Sample Email
Hi [NAME],
Happy Holidays, I hope all is well! As you know, Children’s Music Fund is a charity near and dear to my heart, and this year I’m supporting them during their 15th Year of Service by helping them raise money so that they can provide music therapy and musical instruments to chronically-ill kids in need.
They have made it very simple to get involved! They launched their #CMF15Days of Giving on #GivingTuesday to reach their $150,000 annual goal: each day through December 12, they will be sharing a different way to contribute towards their cause. With your generosity, you can make a difference and help more kids heal through music this holiday season!
You can create a Facebook Fundraiser for them at www.facebook.com/theCMForg/
I really appreciate anything you can do to help support this worthy cause, even just sharing this email with your friends. Thank you!
All Best,