Children's Music Fund Celebrates National Children's Day

June 13, 2020 | Blogs and News

by Mireille K. — 2 min read —

Honoring Our CMF Kids and Children Everywhere

The future of our world is in the hands of today’s children. As they grow, their beautiful minds and ideas will make our world into a better place for everyone. It’s important to not only nurture, love and support the children in our lives, but it’s important to recognize the positive impacts they are making. 

A reverend known as Dr. Charles Leonard decided to dedicate a whole day to children, marking the first Children’s Day on the second Sunday of June. He held a special service in Massachusetts and named the day Flower Day, in order to symbolize the blooming beauty and growth, children will bring into the world. Many countries followed by making it a national holiday in 1920, the newspapers and government officially denoting it. They claimed it was a much-needed move as it helped promote mutual exchange and understanding among kids as well as ensuring their welfare.

The initiative soon expanded to involve educating children and providing them a few basic needs and services. Led by the Secretary-General Ban Kimoon of the United Nations, goals included children being able to attend school, improving the skill-set acquired in the schools and implementing policies regarding education to promote peace, respect and environmental concern.

More importantly, awareness was also raised for children around the globe experiencing violence including abuse, exploitation and discrimination. It is common knowledge that children are even used as laborers in some countries, involved in armed conflict, living on the streets and suffering because of their differences in religion, disabilities or because they are minorities.

By these countries all around the world granting children basic rights and recognition, they are ensuring that young generations grow to become intelligent, powerful and strong leaders in the future. 

How We Help Children

Children’s Music Fund, a nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Raffi Tachdjian, sheds light on some of the psychological trauma found in ill children who are constantly subjected to procedures, hospitalization and other forms of treatment. Fear, pain, and anxiety are all common feelings among such kids and it’s important to remind them that they’re more than their illness and can persevere through their challenges and difficulties.

Children’s Music Fund brings light and hope into the lives of these kids by providing them Music Therapy, where the pluck of a guitar or the stroke of a violin can abade some of the harsh realities of a hospital room. You can read some of the astounding stories about kids whose quality of life dramatically improved through Music Therapy sessions and see just how brave and strong they are.

It’s important to remind this generation that they will someday change the world and provide them with the best foundations from which to grow. If you want to help make a child’s day better and their lifetime brighter, you can become a member of our One Heart Fan Club and Spread the Love

Learn more about how we are helping kids who are isolated at home with telehealth Music Therapy services here, and remember to celebrate the children in your life on June 14 and everyday! Sending our unwavering support to our CMF Kids on this very special day! We are always here for you.